Desperados 3 missions
Desperados 3 missions

desperados 3 missions

Killing the four targets the fun way will net you a badge, but there are these others to get as well: Wait for an opening to jump down and scramble to the top of the church, and then all you have to do is wait for the Duke to stand underneath. Head up the right-hand side of the map, climbing some ivy on the cliffs to get around to the back of the church.

desperados 3 missions desperados 3 missions

The Duke might seem like a hotshot with the way he swaggers around town in sight of tons of civilians, but offing him is actually quite easy. Once you get the poison, head back down to the room with the whiskey cask, poison the cask, and get out of there. You don’t need to worry about the barmaid who is walking around on a loop, as she won’t raise the alarm upon seeing you. Track the enemies’ patterns in the house and kill any gunmen you need to as you sneak up to the second floor to nab the poison. A bottle of poison is located inside the brothel on a table towards the back of the second floor (in the above picture around where you see the smoke in the bottom right corner of the brothel). You can poison the whiskey cask, but you’ll have to get some poison first. Once again, pick off all the gunmen you need to and head around the exterior-back of the brothel till you reach the entrance to the room with whiskey casks (in the upper left corner of the above picture). There are several different ways to get in, but we found the easiest one to be going around the western side by the post office. To get to Wild Marge, you’ll want to head up the map from where you killed Jarvis and to the brothel.

Desperados 3 missions