Web monitor
Web monitor

web monitor

Log Analytics helps correlate the usage and performance data collected by Application Insights with configuration and performance data across the Azure resources that support the app.Azure Monitor also offers its data directly into Log Analytics and other services, where you can query and combine it with data from other sources on premises or in the cloud. You can interact with the metrics in several ways, including charting them in Azure portal, accessing them through the REST API, or querying them using PowerShell or CLI. Azure Monitor provides base-level infrastructure metrics and logs for most services in Azure.Application Insights can also be used for logging, distributed tracing, and custom application metrics. It monitors the application, detects application anomalies such as poor performance and failures, and sends telemetry to the Azure portal. Application Insights is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for developers and supports multiple platforms.Even better, you can use Application Insights to create availability tests for testing your application from different regions. App Service provides monitoring of resource usage quotas and app metrics, logging of diagnostic information, and alerts based on metrics. The underlying compute infrastructures on which your apps run is managed for you. Azure App Service is a PaaS service for building and hosting apps in managed virtual machines.Log Analytics collects and analyzes logs and metrics.Azure Monitor collects and analyzes infrastructure metrics and quotas.Developers and administrators can review health, performance, and usage information.Application Insights collects and analyzes application health, performance, and usage data.The browser and app service emit telemetry.The data flows through the scenario as follows: This scenario uses a managed Azure environment to host an application and data tier.

web monitor

Monitoring metrics and quotas associated with services on Azure.ĭownload a Visio file of this architecture.Collecting front-end and back-end telemetry for an application deployed on Azure.Instrumenting a web application for monitoring telemetry.Other monitoring options are discussed later in this article. In this scenario, we choose readily available services precisely because they are easy to consume. When it comes to monitoring, many tools and services work with Azure deployments. This scenario addresses the monitoring services you can use and describes a dataflow model for use with multiple data sources.

web monitor

Together, these services deliver a comprehensive solution for collecting, analyzing, and acting on telemetry from your applications and the Azure resources they consume. Azure includes multiple monitoring services, each of which performs a specific role. Azure platform as a service (PaaS) offerings manage compute resources for you and affect how you monitor deployments.

Web monitor